Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.

This year I'm going to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. We're leaving on Tuesday after school and coming back on Sunday. Usually we're in Tyler, Texas with my grandparents, but since we moved we're taking a vacation instead. Once we come back we'll have our Greeenberg Turkey and watch football.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday November, 20

Go out and look up a what all goes on a resume website. What can you find? Include an example image if possible.

I found one resume website for An-Ni Wang. She designed an interactive website that listed er previous jobs, previous projects, and people she has worked for independently. She also had her history and other personal information about her.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17

Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?


I think the quote means design is not just about setting a mood, it's about making something functional. You design like you build a machine. You've got to find all the parts, so you can create your masterpiece. The quote above relates to web design because we design websites. We learn how to create web pages with the most appeal and functionality. A websites isn't just information on a page. There are links, headers, footers, boxes, images, and much more that go into building a full functioning  website. Gmail is usually a good example of a functional website. There are links and buttons so you can get you what you need done. There are creative and color backgrounds, places  search your files, and ways to connect with her people. We have used this class with CSS and even some HTML. All of this design creates a good experience for the user.

User Experience- the overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13

Reflect on your learning this semester so far in this class. Think about the first day you walked in to this room until right now. What have you learned about Web Design? What have you learned beyond Web Design? Explain yourself.

I have learn the basic understanding of HTML and CSS. I know how to program a simple web site, and I am able to read some coding. More than that I have learn things about computers and all their features. I now have an appreciation for technology that I didn't have at the being of the year. Now that I understand some things about computers, I like them more. Also, I now know how to use my gmail and google drive. I think that has been the most helpful skill I have learned in this class. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7

Define the following terms on your blog. Do not copy and paste definitions. Site where you got your definition.


Web Server

Web Hosting (also list examples of web hosting companies)

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It transfers files from one host to another. 

A Web Server forms web pages.

Web Hosting provides storage space fr websites. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday November 3

Tell me about your weekend. Give me details and photos!

This weekend was Halloween! I went to a party in my neighborhood where I went as a zombie. I was up till midnight watching Harry Potter with my brother after the party and had a lot of fun. I didn't do much the next day, but I did go to "Jazz in the Jungle." Sunday I just did homework and was very stressed out!